Climate Fast in Ladakh: Sonam Wangchuk’s Call to Action

A fight to save culture, heritage, glaciers and our Nature “The mother EARTH”

Who is Sonam Wangchuk?

Sonam Wangchuk, an engineer and education reformer from Ladakh, is known for his innovative approaches to education and sustainable development in the region. He is the founding director of the Himalayan Institute of Alternatives (HIAL) and has received various prizes, including the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay award.

The Climate Fast

In an effort to draw attention to the fragile ecology of Ladakh and to secure its protection under the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution, Wangchuk completed a five-day “climate fast” on January 30, 20231. He initially planned to fast atop Khardung La, one of the highest motorable mountain passes in the world. However, he claimed that he was placed under house arrest at HIAL by the local administration and denied permission to go ahead.

The Cause

Wangchuk’s fast was a protest against the environmental damage caused by industrialization. He criticized the government for imposing a 13-gigawatt project without consulting locals. He also drew attention to the melting glaciers in the Ladakh region and the resulting effects on the region’s ecology. According to a study published in 2021, glaciers in the Pangong region retreated around 6.7% between 1990 and 2019.

The Aftermath

Despite his supporters’ request to stop, Wangchuk said that he will continue for three more days, as initially planned. Even after it ends, local people will take it in turns to go on hunger strikes until he regains sufficient strength to fast again.


Sonam Wangchuk’s climate fast is a stark reminder of the urgent need to address climate change and protect fragile ecosystems. His actions serve as a call to action for all of us to take responsibility for our planet’s future.

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